Pegson In The Present . Com

Living in the Present…Aware of the Future…

Honey The Super Bug Destroyer ?

Honey The Super Bug Destroyer ?

Now I get a lot of emails asking a wide range of questions but one of the most common questions I get usually tacked on towards the end of the email is about what little tips, tricks and alternatives I use..

So It got me thinking, and there is so much that I do and I know other CF’ers do, that could be classed as alternatives that we give a go in addition to our everyday medications that we swear by but don’t have much scientific proof if any except out very own personal experiences to back it up…

So one of the so Called Alternative things I do/use that I believe has given me some improvement is Honey..

Now its an old wives yarn that Honey helps with colds, however there is a specific type of honey called Medical Grade Honey that scientists have discovered kills every type of bacteria thrown at it, including the antibiotic-resistant “Super Bugs” plaguing most hospitals and killing patients around the world.

Over time most bacteria have become resistant to the everyday common prescribed antibacterial treatments. But scientists have found that Manuka honey, as it is known in New Zealand, or jelly bush honey, as it is known in Australia, has the ability to kill every bacteria or pathogen it was tested on.

What’s more intriguing the bacteria researchers used to test the honey, including super bugs such as flesh-eating bacteria, none built up any immunity to the honey.

Now these studies have been carried out on external infections of the skin, so not exactly relating to the lungs or Cystic Fibrosis..

But this was enough to get me interested and I did further research and came across studies where Wounds infected with Pseudomonas, not responding to other treatment, were been rapidly cleared of infection using honey, allowing for successful skin grafting..

It was the Words “Pseudomonas” which made me really take these findings serious…So I looked up how Pseudomonas Infections of the skin are generally treated and what I realised is that the same drugs used to treat Pseudomonas of the Lungs are used to treat Pseudomonas infections of the skin.

So I purchased some Medical Grade Honey and Began using it. Believing that if drugs work in treating Pseudomonas in both the lungs and skin and since Medical Grade Honey had been proven to kill Pseudomonas in skin infections than its not a far jump to believe that the Medical Grade Honey may have some positive effects in treating Pseudomonas of the lungs…

So I have been using the Medical Grade Honey (Manuka) for about 6 months now and I believe I have seen some positives….In terms of more stable health, a recent sputum came back as scanty where I have always come back as profuse for the last 5 years….and my Lung bleeds have eased somewhat (knock on wood), and my overal Lung Function increased by 2 percent months after my last treatment (Extra Exercise also Involved)

Now all those positives I mentioned could be coincidences or maybe not, but Personally I believe someday in the future…maybe 10 years from now there will be nebulised solutions available that uses properties from this special honey.

So at this stage its not a magic fix, But I personally will keep using it…Medical Grade Honey tastes just like normal honey….The only difference is that it costs about $18 (AU) a jar in comparison to $6 for a regular jar of honey…Not that bad if you ask me.

So if your forever looking for additional ways to help your health than this may be something you can give a shot and if you feel it works like I do that’s great. But if not, Well at least you can say you eat Honey fit for a King.

Note: These suggestions are my own personal opinions that I formulated from personal experiences of myself, others and through research conducted using the internet..No suggestions I make should be used over your personal Doctors opinion…And normal medications should never been stopped in order to try alternatives…Alternatives in my opinion should be used as an addition to normal medications not instead of…

October 4, 2009 Posted by | All Posts, Daily Rants, Other, Treatments | , , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments